Want a quick, efficient boost? Try one of our powerful vitamin injections. These instant pick-me-ups effectively restore energy, elevate your immunity, and help with mental and physical exhaustion from stress.
Used for various health and wellness applications like boosting red blood cell production, and helping to regulate sleep, mood, and appetite cycles. It also converts carbohydrates into glucose in the body, thus leading to energy production and a decrease in fatigue and lethargy. Best used 1x per week to decrease fatigue and for maintenance of overall wellness and health. ($20)
Vitamin D
Vitamin D injections provide a more effective method of getting the vitamin into your system than oral supplements because they deliver concentrated doses directly into the bloodstream, resulting in faster absorption and more efficient nutrient use.
Vitamin D injections can help to support strong bones, regulate calcium and phosphorus levels in the body, support the immune system, and enhance mood and reduce anxiety. ($30)
Zofran is a fast acting, non-sedating powerful anti-nausea medication. Recommended as needed. Zofran is a great addition to your IV as well. ($15)
Glutathione is the most critical and integral part of your detoxification system because it decimates free radicals, cleanses your body, and bolsters both your brain and skin. Increasing levels of glutathione decrease muscle damage, reduce recovery time, increase strength and endurance and shift metabolism from fat production to muscle development. Glutathione is a great addition to your IV as well. ($30)
Mega Burn
Mega Burn combines a MIC/B12 and B-Complex and Carnitine that helps burn fat and increase stamina and endurance as it transports fatty acids to the mitochondria, which is where they are essentially burned as fuel. Best if used every 72 hours. For 6-8 weeks while dieting and exercising, then 1x per week for maintenance of overall wellness and health. ($30)
Toradol is a non-narcotic anti-inflammatory for relief of headaches, body aches and joint inflammation associated with everyday life. Recommended as needed. Toradol is a great addition to your IV as well. ($15)